Agro Product Page

Honey Green Bean

Honey Green Bean

Coffee Specifications

Origin; Sumatra (Aceh Tengah & Bener Meriah)
Variety; Mix Variety (Cattimore, P 88, Tim-Tim, Bourboun)
Height; 1200-1700 MASL
Type of Soil; Andosol, Vulcanic Soil Based
Land Area; Up to 5,000 Ha
Harvest Season; April-July & October-January
Annual Productivity; Up to 100 MTON (By Request)
Certificates; –
Cupping Notes; Black Tea, Choco, Fruity
Serving Method; Manual Brew



Honey Green Bean (Pulped Natural) The process begins with the farmer picking the cherries that are the most ripe. Then, as we explained earlier, the outer layer of the cherry is peeled off, leaving only the mucilage layer and the coffee beans. Next, the coffee is dried in the sun like a natural process.


Honey Green Bean

Honey Green Bean


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